weekly horoscope
Weekly Horoscope: January 8–14, 2024
Weekly Horoscope: January 8–14, 2024 The week starts with a pretty grounded vibe with the bright sun (our cosmic confidence booster) and Mars (the universal power player) already in dependable, hardworking Capricorn. For the most part, it stays that way (thanks to two more steady Sea Goat planetary pairings), so you can probably rule out a total and complete mental or emotional unraveling. Some very strong stellar evidence to back this theory up is Thursday’s new Capricorn moon (our emotional guide), which…
weekly horoscope
Weekly Horoscope: January 1–7, 2024
Weekly Horoscope: January 1–7, 2024 Happy New Year! As a new week begins, you’re like an old race car that still has plenty of life in — slow to start but gaining momentum until you hit maximum speed as the weekend approaches. Your engine is just getting warmed up as a square between Venus (the desire-driven cosmic diva) and Saturn (the planet of discipline) shows up on Monday, which is an aspect that doesn’t really…
weekly horoscope
New Year, New You!
New Year, New You! How Astrology Can Help You Achieve Your Goals The start of a new year is a great time to set new goals and aspirations for yourself. Whether you want to improve your health, career, or relationships, astrology can be a valuable tool in helping you achieve your dreams. In this article, we’ll explore how astrology can influence your life and how you can use it to your advantage in the year…
weekly horoscope
Daily Horoscope for December 28
Daily Horoscope for December 28 Happy December 28th! As we approach the end of the year, the stars have some interesting things in store for your sign today. Let’s take a look at your daily horoscope and see what the universe has in store for you. Aries (March 21 – April 19) Today, you may be feeling a bit restless and impulsive, Aries. It’s important to stay grounded and think before you act. This is…
weekly horoscope
Daily Horoscope for December 27
Daily Horoscope for December 27 As we wind down the year, the stars have some interesting things in store for your sign today. Let’s take a look at your daily horoscope and see what the universe has in store for you. Aries (March 21 – April 19) Today, you may be feeling extra assertive and confident, Aries. Use this energy to take charge and make progress on your goals. You may also have some opportunities…
weekly horoscope
Daily Horoscope for December 26
Daily Horoscope for December 26 Happy December 26th! The day after Christmas can often feel like a letdown, but don’t worry – the stars have some exciting things in store for you today. Let’s take a look at your daily horoscope and see what the universe has in store for your sign. Aries (March 21 – April 19) Today, you may feel a strong desire to take charge and assert your independence. This is a…
weekly horoscope
Weekly Horoscope: December 25–31, 2023
Weekly Horoscope: December 25–31, 2023 There’s a full week of significant planetary movements ahead, which could have you feeling anxious about the emotional roller coaster ride you’re about to take. But don’t worry; we’re happy to guide you to the extreme ups and downs you may experience over the next several days. A full moon (our emotionally charged cosmic mama) in moody Cancer arrives on Tuesday, giving off nostalgic vibes. Tuesday also brings the healing energy of Chiron moving…
weekly horoscope
Start The Year Off Right with this Final Full Moon Spell
Start The Year Off Right with this Final Full Moon Spell Are you ready to say goodbye to the old year and welcome in the new? As we approach the end of the year, the universe is aligning to help us do just that. The final full moon of the year is upon us, and it’s the perfect time to do a little magic and set some intentions for the year ahead. The full moon…
weekly horoscope
How to Use Capricorn Season to Succeed Against all Odds
How to Use Capricorn Season to Succeed Against all Odds Capricorn season, which runs from December 22 to January 19, is a time for setting goals, working hard, and achieving success. As the tenth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn is known for its determination, discipline, and perseverance. During this season, we can harness the energy of this sign to help us succeed against all odds. Here are some tips on how to use Capricorn season…
weekly horoscope
The Complete Zodiac Gift-Giving Guide Is Here!
The Complete Zodiac Gift-Giving Guide Is Here! Are you struggling to find the perfect gift for that special someone in your life? Look no further than their zodiac sign! Astrology can provide insight into a person’s personality and preferences, making it a helpful tool for selecting gifts. We’ve compiled a complete zodiac gift-giving guide to help you find the perfect present for every sign. Aries (March 21 – April 19) Aries are known for their…