Weekly Horoscope: September 2–8, 2024

Weekly Horoscope: September 2–8, 2024
Hopefully, you’re ready to let those chill summer days fade into the sunset and get back on your grind because there’s a lot of responsible, perfectionist Virgo energy headed your way this week that can be kind of a buzzkill if you’re not expecting it.
Monday’s new moon (guiding our emotions) joins the sun (our cosmic center) in strict Virgo, sending not-so-subtle reminders that it’s time to get back on track. If you’ve let important routines like going to the gym regularly or making healthy meals at home instead of going out all the time slip, it’s time to get back to them. Being more diligent and regimented might not be fun, but it’s necessary for your well-being this fall.
On Wednesday, Mars (the planetary power player) enters caring Cancer, throwing you into full protective mode. Going on the attack might not be your first choice, but if someone crosses you or someone you care about, you can guarantee that those claws are going to come out. It takes a lot for you to get to that point, but once you do, your opponent better watch out.
Mercury (the quick-thinking planet) joins the responsible cosmic gathering in Virgo on Sunday, giving you another chance to get things right as it re-enters one of the signs it rules. After all the retrograde chaos, it’s time to pick up the pieces, re-organize your sh*t and get your life back on track. With a little focus and dedication, things will be running like clockwork again in no time.
Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
Your time is best spent this week focusing on your health. If you aren’t already in a good everyday routine, it’s time tostart streamlining your daily life and paying attention to your wellbeing. And eat some more veggies, Aries!
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
Your creativity and romance zone is targeted this week, Taurus, so work on expressing yourself freely and letting your heart lead the way. It’s hard to let go of certain traditions, but if they’re not working, find some other things to do.
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
Gemini, it’s time to settle down a little and pay attention to what’s going on at home. If you haven’t been in tune with the fam this summer, this area of your life could use some extra focus. Have fun and get creative, making your house a quiet sanctuary.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
You’ve got a lot to learn, but gaining more knowledge doesn’t have to be a chore. Improving your communication skills and connecting more with your community helps you expand in new and unexpected ways. Coming out of your shell isn’t so bad after all, right?!
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
Leo, with your finances and self-worth in focus now, it’s time to ask yourself some serious questions. You can build a solid foundation and put yourself on the path toward wealth by acknowledging what you want and what you’re willing to do to get it.
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
There’s never been a better time for personal growth and new beginnings. As you embrace your authentic self and set intentions for the future, your full potential comes into view. And it’s super exciting, Virgo!
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
Your introspective mood leads you to think about spirituality and other ethereal topics this week, Libra. If you aren’t happy with who you are or the life you’re living, work on releasing old patterns and connecting with your inner wisdom.Your third eye has excellent vision.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
As you get back into your regular daily pattern, look for friendships and social connections to thrive. Networking and collaborating with like-minded people leads you to the places you belong. Keep those new contacts safe, Scorpio; you’re going to need them.
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
It’s time to put some more effort into your career and public image, Sag. You’ve been having a lot of fun lately, which is fine, but pursuing your ambitions and making a lasting impression is what this week’s vibe is all about.
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
It’s time to educate yourself on a topic you don’t know much about, Capricorn. The way to advance to the next level of life is to constantly grow and improve yourself. Expanding your horizons and seeking new perspectives puts you on the path to success.
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
You’re happy skimming along the surface, but the vibes this week urge you to go a little deeper, Aquarius. As intimacy evolves, you’re asked to expand in exciting new ways. Don’t be afraid to explore shared resources and embrace your sense of vulnerability.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
With your personal relationships and business partnerships in the spotlight this week, Pisces, you’ll be seeking peace, harmony, and balance. The last thing you want to face is confrontation, so sometimes, it’s easier to let go of a connection.#SadButTrue.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.