Weekly Horoscope: July 22–28, 2024

Weekly Horoscope: July 22–28, 2024
It’s time to reclaim your power! Get ready to enter your bold, confident and creative era on Monday as Leo season begins, and you start to regain control of your life. With the royal Lion dominating the sun’s (the center of our universal existence) hot energy all week, it’s time to express yourself, pursue your passions and show off your unique talents.
You’re an excellent problem solver when Mercury (the thoughtful planet) moves into intellectual Virgo on Thursday, enhancing mental clarity and focus. Your improved concentration, attention to detail and analytical thinking help you organize those scattered thoughts, solve problems and communicate a lot more effectively. Practicality and efficiency are your two best friends now.
When asteroid Chiron (representing our deepest wounds) goes retrograde in fiery Aries on Friday, you get the chance to reflect on—and embrace—who you truly are. If you’ve been feeling like a fake or have imposter syndrome, this no joke transit will help you question your old beliefs and patterns, shed outdated/false identities and redefine yourself in a positive way. If you can, try to carve out some alone time over the weekend so you can focus on doing some serious self-reflection.
Your Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope
You’re no stranger to taking risks, but it’s like someone bumped the dare dial up to 100 this week! You have amazing confidence in yourself and your abilities, so why not take a chance, Aries? Love, finances, your career—all of these areas of your life are ready for some big changes. The more optimistic and enthusiastic you are, the more likely things are to go your way.
Read your full Aries weekly horoscope.
This week’s loud energy is devoted to your home and family life, Taurus. Lots of active time spent with your kids or parents, spouse or even roommates is great for your relationship. Hanging out at home doesn’t have to be boring. Have a scary movie night, play videogames together or make your favorite fast food copycat recipe for dinner. Just have fun!
Read your full Taurus weekly horoscope.
Good luck not saying what’s on your mind this week, Gemini! You have too much going on inside that smart brain of yours not to share it with the world. Just remember that louder isn’t necessarily better. If you don’t think someone heard you the first time, find another way of getting their attention besides turning up the volume.
Read your full Gemini weekly horoscope.
If you’ve got some extra cash laying around this week, Cancer, spend it! This is a good time to take financial risks and make decisions you might not usually make. If one opportunity flops and you lose some dough, you have a lot more ideas of how to make more. YOLO, right?
Read your full Cancer weekly horoscope.
You’re so proud of yourself right now, Leo, and why shouldn’t you be?! You look and feel great, and you’re finally getting the kind of attention you crave. Now that you’re in the spotlight, what talent are you going to showcase? Lucky you to have so many to choose from! Your haters are so jelly!
Read your full Leo weekly horoscope.
Go with your gut, Virgo. That inner voice is practically screaming at you to do something out of character for once, so what are you waiting for? Lower your inhibitions and realize how much you have to offer the world. Maybe your inner critic will finally be silenced when it hears the big round of applause you’re about to get from the crowd.
Read your full Virgo weekly horoscopes.
You love to spend time in big groups this week, but don’t get it twisted, Libra—you don’t need anyone to feel your best. You can do anything you want to do all on your own, but you just prefer to be surrounded by people who care about, love or admire you. Nothing wrong with getting a little ego boost occasionally as long as you don’t rely on it to get the job done.
Read your full Libra weekly horoscope.
Your hard work is really getting recognized this week, Scorpio, so prepare yourself to be in the spotlight. Yes, you usually prefer to work behind the scenes, but would it hurt you just this once to step up and take credit for a job well done? When you get a compliment (and you will probably get several), just smile and say thank you. Was that so hard?!
Read your full Scorpio weekly horoscope.
The more you smile, the more your world expands. Make the more the merrier your motto this week and watch your social calendar fill up with activities for every day of the week. We’re not saying you have to go to every event that you’re invited to, but doesn’t it feel great to be so popular, Sag?!
Read your full Sagittarius weekly horoscope.
You aren’t satisfied with the status quo this week, Capricorn. You want to stand out for being more than everyone else—more successful, happier, better looking, wealthier, etc. If you put in the work, you should get the rewards. It’s a pretty simple concept but not everyone is up for the task. How bad do you want it?
Read your full Capricorn weekly horoscope.
Relationships mater most this week, Aquarius. Whether you need to make up with your BFF, show more affection to a romantic partner, commit to spending time with a sibling/parent/kid, the more energy you spend strengthening your personal connections, the better. If you have to be the initiator, what are you waiting for? You’re good at making the first most now.
Read your full Aquarius weekly horoscope.
Your sign might be dealing with more serious issues than others this week, Pisces. By staying focused on your tasks and responsibilities, you’re able to feel good about yourself and the things you’re able to accomplish. There will be some time for fun, but only after the hard work is done. And although you might complain a little bit at first, eventually you’ll be okay with your fate.
Read your full Pisces weekly horoscope.