How to Predict Bankrupcy in Your Aries Birthchart

How to Predict Bankrupcy in Your Aries Birthchart
Are you an Aries? Are you concerned about the possibility of financial ruin in your future? If so, you’re not alone. Many Aries natives face the possibility of bankruptcy or insolvency at some point in their lives. Thankfully, astrology can provide some clues as to when and how this might happen. Read on to learn how to predict bankruptcy in your Aries birthchart.
Understand the Ruling Planet of Aries
The ruling planet of Aries is Mars. Mars is the planet associated with action, ambition and determination. It is also associated with risk-taking and impulse decisions. As such, it is important for Aries natives to be aware of when Mars is moving through their birthchart, as this could indicate a period of potential financial risk.
Look for Signs of Financial Stress
The planet Saturn is associated with hard work, restriction and limits. When Saturn moves through an Aries birthchart, it can indicate a period of financial stress or hardship. It is important to pay attention to when Saturn is in your birthchart, as this could signal a period of impending financial difficulty.
Pay Attention to Your 8th House
The 8th house of an Aries birthchart is associated with transformation and change. When this house is active, it can indicate a period of upheaval and instability in one’s finances. It is important to pay attention to when this house is activated in your birthchart, as this could be a sign of impending bankruptcy or insolvency.
Check for Aspects to Mars and Saturn
When looking for signs of potential financial difficulty in an Aries birthchart, it is important to pay attention to any aspects to Mars and Saturn. Any negative aspects between these two planets can indicate a period of financial hardship and the possibility of bankruptcy.
Look for Major Transits
Major transits can also be an indication of potential financial difficulty in an Aries birthchart. When a major transit occurs, it is important to pay attention to the house and planet it is moving through, as this could indicate a period of instability and potential financial ruin.
Predicting bankruptcy in an Aries birthchart can be a tricky business. By paying attention to the ruling planet of Aries (Mars), the 8th house, and any aspects to Mars and Saturn, one can begin to get an idea of when and how this may happen. Additionally, major transits should also be taken into account when predicting financial difficulty. With a bit of knowledge and understanding, Aries natives can take steps to protect themselves from financial ruin.