A Simple Full Moon Magic Spell

A Simple Full Moon Magic Spell
Jessica Wiggan, an astrologer, tarot card reader, and owner of Behati Life apothecary knows the planets, and knows how to make them work for you. Find more of her wisdom on Instagram @BehatiLife. — Horoscope.com editors
Full moons heighten the energy of our experience here in this life. On May 29, 2018, at 10:20 am EST we have a full moon in the sign of Sagittarius where our internal beliefs and faith are lit up.
Within each of us is a set of beliefs and knowledge that we know to be true. It is not something that we learn here on Earth because that is simply life experience that can impact and temporary influence us. These sets of beliefs are the roots of our faith, optimism, and self-awareness — something given to us by the Higher Power or universe that can’t be taken away!
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This full moon shifts our focus to those ingrained beliefs once again — it’s a time to give them life with our attention and intention! Maybe your faith has been challenged as certain areas of your life have been tested, broken down, or rearranged. It may feel like to you that everything is ‘up in the air,’ and you are waiting for the dust to settle or maybe for the pieces to fall together. This is a direct result of Uranus (the planet of surprise) moving into Taurus and working to innovate and breathe fresh air into your life while Saturn (planet of structure) and Pluto (transformation) are working together to destroy and rebuild any weak areas around you.
The end result is like a wave of change that comes rushing in and then washes away all that you may have know or become accustomed to. You may be left sitting wondering what will happen next, where to go from here, or what lies ahead. In times of chaos or confusion the first thing that gets tested is our FAITH. Chaos and confusion arise when change is happening and you are forced into the unknown. Just because you don’t know what to expect doesn’t mean that you should have fear or expect the worst!
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Now, that brings me right back to my original point: Deep within you is a set of core beliefs that cannot be uprooted or dismantled for too long. These beliefs are what you know about yourself, who you are to your core, what you are striving for and towards, what you know you deserve and want out of life and the belief that it can be yours along with the path to help you reach them. There will be many times you will need to stand on your faith alone despite what the circumstances look like or what your life experience has shown you.
The Sagittarius full moon lights up those beliefs, visions, and faith so you can see clearly once more. Even if it seems impossible this May 2018 full moon says, “No, for you it is not impossible. For you this can happen — and you know that to your core.” Mercury in Taurus helps you to build a solid plan based on faithful action. Uranus in Taurus is working to cleanse and open the way. Mars in Aquarius says to do something you have never before done in order to receive the gift. Sun in Gemini challenges what you have learned to push you into a space where you can take that leap of faith. The cosmos help light the way, but ultimately it’s up to you to make the next power move.
Here’s a simple but powerful lunar magic spell for tapping into what lies in your heart. Sage your sacred space and sit comfortably crosslegged on a mat or ground pillow. Take a few deep cleansing breaths and enter into a calm 20-minute meditation allowing your thoughts to erase themselves. At the end of the 20-minute meditation ask your higher Self what is the greatest vision that it sees for your life.
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Ask for details or clarification as needed while remaining open-minded in the event that your Higher Self wants to keep some pieces of the journey a mystery. At the end of the meditation, write down all of what you have seen and felt. At the bottom, draw a line dividing what you saw from what else you would want then write down additional gifts that you would like to see manifest in your life. These pieces are also an important part of your heart’s desires and to share them with the universe is another act of faith and connection.
When you are done, fold the paper in half bringing the top of the paper towards you. This helps bring the energy of your visions to you. Fold until it can fit and be tucked and sealed into an envelope. Keep the envelope somewhere where you can see it (without it being obvious) as a reminder of what is coming in your life and to keep your faith high and strong. When you see the envelope, say these words, “I open up to what the blessings and miracles the Universe has for me! I am ready to share my gifts and light with the world! I step forward with faith, light, and love!” —By Jessica Wiggan
Know what the year has in store? 2018 is halfway over but the most dramatic events are yet to come. Get 20% off your 2018 prediction now.
Jessica Wiggan is the creator of BehatiLife, an online apothecary selling custom, hand crafted magical blends. Jessica is available for tarot and astrology readings, and also runs an online Tarot school. Find her on Instagram.
Photo: Hannah Olinger on Unsplash